ECRE Weekly Bulletin. Boletín Semanal de ECRE.
ECRE Weekly Bulletin. El Boletín Semanal de ECRE ofrece información sobre los últimos acontecimientos europeos en el área de asilo. Publicación desde 12.01.2007 hasta 16.12.2016.
- 16.12.2016. EU signs deal with Mali as part of Partnership Framework. Greek requests to move specific groups from islands to mainland detention centres under the EU-Turkey deal. Belgian State Secretary refuses to issue humanitarian visa to family in Aleppo. Germany to accelerate deportations of asylum seekers, whose application has been rejected. UN: migrants face human rights crisis in Libya while European Council discusses cooperation with Libyan Coast Guards; ECRE introduces policy notes in new format; Algeria deports more than thousand West African migrants to Níger.
- 09.12.2016. EU Commission to modify Turkey Deal/ reinstate Dublin transfers to Greece. ECRE Study: The implementation of the hotspots in Italy and Greece. ECRE concludes fact-finding visit to CroatIa. European Commission proposes to increase numbers of returns to Turkey under EU-Turkey Deal and re-start returns to Greece under Dublin. European Commission has launched the European Solidarity Corps. Lack of information on legal procedures leaves refugee children from Calais waiting distressed in reception centres. UNHCR presents new vision aimed at better protecting refugees in the EU and globally. European politicians silent over mounting number of deaths at Turkish-Spanish border.
- 18/11/2016. UK: new limitation to Dubs Amendment, ECRE Comments on Asylum Procedure Regulation, Norway: stateless children granted right to obtain citizenship.
- 04/11/2016. Calais: the dismantlement of the camp should not be an end in itself. OP-ed by Pierre Henry, Director of France Terre d’Asil. Unravelling Travelling: AIDA legal briefing on travel documents for beneficiaries of international protection. ECRE Comments on the proposal for a Qualification Regulation. Report of Libyan Coast Guards attacking migrants raises concerns over continued cooperation within Operation Sophia. Asylum seekers transferred from northern Italy to Taranto hotspot. UN Special Rapporteur finds no evidence of risk between migration and terrorism. Serbia: Access to protection is a rarity as the bottleneck intensifies.
- 07/10/2016. Op-ed: Hungarians did not yield to the government’s xenophobic campaign, ECRE comments on Dublin and Reception Conditions Directive proposals. The majority of Hungarians did not yield to the government’s xenophobic campaign – Op-ed by Hungarian Helsinki Committee. ECRE Comments on Commission proposal for reform of the Dublin system. ECRE Comments on Reception Conditions Directive recast proposal. AIDA briefing on the length of asylum procedures.
- 30/09/2016. No one deserves to die at Sea” OP-ed by SOS Mediteranee, Pushbacks at Spanish border, Access for asylum on hold in Rome. P-ED. No one deserves to die at sea: Reflections from an independent sea rescue organisation (SOS MEDITERRANEE). MEPs call on EU leaders to increase resettlement of refugees following visit to Lebanon. Data protection concerns in Common European Asylum System proposals, says EU data watchdog. Access to asylum denied in Rome, in violation of national and international law. Civil society outcry in Spain condemns illegal pushbacks at Ceuta border crossing. Detention Action calls for community-based alternatives to detention of asylum seekers and migrants in the UK. Fear, fences and detention: some of the challenges faced by refugees in Hungary. Greece. OP-ED: Danish Refugee Council: Danish suspension of resettlement - worst possible decision at the worst possible time. ECRE
Innovating to include: wrapping up lessons from the Social Innovation for Refugee Inclusion Seminar. Devastating fire in Moria hotspot on Lesvos raises question about safety and security. Pushbacked asylum seekers complain against FYROM to the European Court of Human Rights. Greece: Legal aid scheme for appeals enters into force. UK: Inspection examines restrictive family reunification procedure. The United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants - a failed opportunity for much needed reform?. Massive spending in border controls does not yield desired results, argues ODI. - 23/09/2016. Op-ed on cuts to refugee protection in Denmark, UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants, fire in Moria “hotspot”.
- 16/09/2016. Xenophobic referendum in Hungary, lesser protection standards in Germany, millions of refugee children out of school. EU to provide emergency funding for Greece and humanitarian funding for Turkey; European Border and Coast set to start activities soon; Hungarian NGOs protest against upcoming xenophobic referendum; Germany: Lesser standard of protection for people from Syria, Eritrea, Iraq and Afghanistan. Italy’s deportation of 48 Sudanese citizen may amount to collective expulsion. Relocation of asylum seekers from Greece and Italy needs to be at a faster and increased rate, UNHCR urges. Rising inequality: millions of refugee children are missing out of school. Hellenic Reschue Team and Efi Latsoudi awarded the Nansen Refugee Award
- 09/09/2016. One year after Alan Kurdi’s death, AIDA thematic report, detention of children in Greece. AIDA report: Admissibility, responsibility and safety in European asylum procedures; Have all tears dried up? One year after Alan Kurdi’s death. Calais: More walls being built in Europe?. UNICEF calls on the world to act on behalf of 50 million uprooted children. Human Rights Watch reports on the deplorable detention conditions for asylum seeking children.
- 02.09.2016. European Court of Human Rights rules against the deportation of a family to Iraq; Number of deaths in the Mediterranean reaches all-time high; Successful completion of pre-registration of asylum seekers in Greece - more needed to meet long term consequences; Alarming reports document instances of sexual assault on children at Greek refugee Camps; Italy plans to curtail appeals rights in asylum procederes. Poland: worsening restrictions of entry at the Eastern border. Switzerland pushing people back to Italy.
- 15.07.2016. ECRE and AIRE Centre report on refugee protection in Greece; ECRE raises strong concerns about the Eurodac recast regulation proposal; ECRE publishes comments on Proposal for a European Union Agency for Asylum; European Commission new package of reforms of the Common European Asylum System; Only 3,000 people relocated from Greece and Italy in ten months; Negative perceptions of refugees in Europe create climate of fear and violence. European Court of Human Rights condemns France for the administrative detention of children
- 08.07.2016. Blog: Three friends and a camera...and is born!. Greek Forum for Refugees reports on Greek asylum procedure through the eyes of refugees. Hungary: Latest amendments legalise extrajudicial push-back of asylum-seekers. European Court of Human Rights condemns Hungary for the unjustified and arbitrary detention of an LGBT asylum seeker. Refugees and migrants fleeing sexual violence, abuse and exploitation in Libya. NGOs document trends of large-scale detention in France. #LocalGov4refugees: Mayors across Europe urge EU Member States to protect refugees.
- 01.07.2016. Blog: “Have you seen this camp?”; Blog: Worrying trends in human trafficking. The vulnerable migration flows in Greece and Early Legal Intervention; ECRE organises a Seminar on Social Innovation for Refugee Inclusion. European Council adopts Migration compact despite NGOs statement. ECRE members urge UK government to uphold refugees’ rights after EU referendum. Unaccompanied children face unsafe conditions in Italian hotspots. Victims of torture are falling through the cracks of asylum systems.
- 24.06.2016. No place for children; Unaccompanied minors in the hotspot, by Elisa Maimone, CIR. ECRE; Information Note on Family Reunification for Beneficiaries of International Protection in Europe; AIDA Legal Briefing on duration and review of international protection status in Europe. Greece amends its asylum law after multiple Appeals Board decisions overturn the presumption of Turkey as a ‘safe third country’. 2015 saw the highest number of forcibly displaced people since UNHCR records began. Human Rights Watch urges EU not to send Syrians to Turkey due to lack of safeguards. CEPS publication provides an overview of asylum statistics for 2015
- 17.06.2016. Blog: A colourful place in a bleak reality. Blog: Too many rumours, too little information. Blog: Hard is the journey behind, harder is the journey ahead. Op-ed:The Lesvos hotspot:refugees stuck on the Island, by Aspasia Papadopoulou. Accommodation options for asylum seekers in Greece. Stopping people from reaching Europe a top priority, according to Commission’s Communication. New Commission recommendation before reinstatement of transfers of asylum seekers to Greece under Dublin. Worsening conditions for refugees in Hungary. Over 1.19 million people in need of resettlement in 2017. World Refugee Day: We stand #WithRefugees. Human Rights Watch reports severe shortcomings for unaccompanied children in Sweden. Ending childhood statelessness in Europe.
- 10.06.2016. European Commission presents Action Plan on Integration: The slow unfolding of the EU-Turkey deal?. Tragic series of shipwrecks leave thousands dead. Switzerland: Asylum reform approved by referendum. CJEU judgments confirm that asylum seekers have right to appeal the reasons for a Dublin transfer (Ghezelbash and the Karim). #ReuniteThem campaign for the young superheroes of Calais.
- 20.05.2016. Experts discuss development of AIDA. Finland joins many European countries in restricting the space for asylum. Greece to start registration of asylum seekers residing in open reception facilities in the mainland. Italy’s proposed idea of “hotspots at sea” is unlawful, says ASGI. Human Rights Watch: atmosphere of chaos and insecurity in Greek ‘hotspots’. Europol-INTERPOL report highlights dangers of criminal migrant smuggling networks. Former EU Economic Advisor stresses positive economic impact of refugees. ICMC publishes final SHARE Network report 2012-2015. Free orientation workshops for volunteers working with refugees across Europe.
- 13.05.2016. Policy Roundtable on the Reception of Unaccompanied Minors; Turkey or not? The controversy continues. LIBE Committee publishes study on the “hotspots” approach. Hungary to resume transfers of asylum seekers under Dublin regulation to Greece in overall climate of human rights repression. Turkey violently rejects asylum seekers and clamps down on human rights. “Meanwhile, people are still dying”: statement by refugee and migrant communities to all European citizens. #RefugeesVoice campaign by the Greek Forum for Refugees shows every day struggles of refugees. Kenya’s decision to close refugee camps could leave over 600,000 people displaced again.
- 06.05.2016. Commission Proposals for tougher Dublin system, more data collection under Eurodac and the birth of a new Asylum AgencyM; Hundreds died in a single day in the Mediterranean Sea; Four-fold rise in the number of unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the EU in 2015. Italy: violation of the right to asylum reported at the Police Station in Milan. European Economic and Social Committee issues recommendations after fact-finding visits to 11 Member States. Highlighting the need to prioritise access to higher education in humanitarian crises.
- 29.04.2016. Vacancy: ECRE is recruiting a Communications and Events Assistant; EU-Turkey deal: praised by EU leaders, condemned by NGOs; Austrian Parliament approves law repudiating right to asylum; French authorities under court order to register asylum applications; Sweden: Restrictive changes to asylum and immigration law; IOM documents specific vulnerabilities of Egyptian unaccompanied children on the move. Australia’s detention of asylum seekers on Manus Island is illegal, rules Papua New Guinea’s highest court
- 22.04.2016. AIDA Report Spain: improving reception conditions but people are barred access to the procedure at the border; European Commission satisfied with implementation of EU-Turkey deal, despite serious human rights concern. UK detention update: “end” of routine detention of pregnant women in Immigration Bill; Closure of Balkans route leaves thousands stranded in Greece without access to shelter or information. Deaths at sea: EU is guilty of killing by omission, report argues. UK is falling short of its moral responsibility to provide safe routes for people seeking refuge. Applications open for Summer School on Forced Migration and Asylum.
- 15.04.2016. Tear gas and rubber bullets for refugees in Idomeni. Asylum seekers trapped in “no man’s land” in Hungary. No country for refugees: Austria shuts its doors. Blanket detention in deplorable conditions on the Greek islands. FRA: Opinion on EU common list of safe countries of origin. Cities showing leadership in receiving and integrating refugees. Applications open for Odysseus Network Summer School 2016.
- 08.04.2016. AIDA report shows Europe’s ongoing failure to ensure adequate reception places for asylum seekers. “A humane and efficient asylum policy”: the European Commission proposals. The EU-Turkey deal in practice: jeopardising the European asylum system. Greece urgently adopts controversial law to implement EU-Turkey deal. UNHCR Global Conference on Resettlement for Syrian refugees. Joint Briefing on the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation. Young Afghans forcibly returned from UK face bleak situation in Kabul. #StatelessKids Youth Congress 2016 - registration now open
- 25.03.2016. AIDA Report Serbia: Transit for many, asylum for a handful; EU leaders agree on EU-Turkey Deal despite serious concerns over its consequences for human rights of refugees and migrants; Council of Europe warns of risk of asylum seekers and refugees becoming victims of trafficking in Europe. PACE Migration Committee calls for collective action in response to situation in Western Balkans; CoE Human Rights Commissioner raises concerns over treatment of refugees and migrants in the UK. European Court of Human Rights condemns Sweden for attempting to deport Iranian Christian convert without properly assessing human rights risk. "Migrants and refugees have rights": new report by Caritas Europa.
- 18.03.2016. European Council discussions with Turkey, Idomeni March of Hope, Hungary further restricts refugees’ rights. European leaders discuss refugee deal with Turkey alongside mass public outrage. The “March of Hope”: refugees in extreme humanitarian conditions try alternative crossing path. Hungarian government continues assault on rights of refugees with draft legislation. Refugee women and girls face many obstacles to access protection in Germany and Sweden. A generation of loss and trauma: the children of Syria. Professor Goodwin-Gill calls on Europe to act as a community. Crowdfunding campaign to allow refugee students to attend 2016 Odysseus Summer School.
- 11.03.2016. ECRE Memorandum to European Council, EU-Turkey Summit, developments in UK, France and Italy. ECRE calls on the European Council to show political and moral leadership in response to refugee issues facing Europe. EU-Turkey plan endangers refugees’ safety and dignity. Deportations to Afghanistan from the UK can resume, despite worsening security situation. At the camp in Grande-Synthe, it can always get worse. Lampedusa ‘hotspot’ shows severe deficiencies, states the Italian Senate. UNHCR proposes a 6 point plan towards solving refugee situation in Europe.
- 04.03.2016. RE urges the EU and Member States not to resume Dublin transfers to Greece. Drastic change of policy on the “Balkan route” hinders access to protection. Conditions for refugees at the Greek-Macedonian border worsening by the day. Greece deports hundreds of people to Turkey. Chief Inspector of Prisons calls for a time limit to immigration detention in the UK, in damning report. EU Court of Justice ruling on freedom of movement for beneficiaries of international protection. EP study calls for more inclusive and gender-specific integration policies. The place for human rights in Europe and the world is shakier than ever
- 19.02.2016. Catherine Woollard appointed ECRE Secretary General. EU Summit: Relocation reaffirmed but Turkey put on hold; VISEGRAD group to organise a backup plan to face the European refugee situation; EU naval operation against human smugglers facing challenges before moving into Libyan waters; Over 200 refugees, including SIA, rejected on the Slovenian border. Afghanistan is not a safe country: number of civilian casualties reaches record high in 2015; Amnesty International: UK and France must share responsibility for the global refugee crisis; Barriers to an effective legal remedy in Turkey.
- 12.02.2016. OP-Ed. Stepping in to plug the gaps: the role of volunteers in the European humanitarian crisis. A tale from Lesvos. Op-ed by Zoe Gardner. NATO deploys warships in the Aegean Sea. New Greek law to include detention regime in ‘hotspots’. Refugees freeze to death on their way to safety. Syrian Government’s state policy of ‘exterminating detainees’ – UN report. Red Cross: Offshore processing inadequate to solve ‘access crisis’. Massive public outcry after Australia rules on the legality of offshore detention centres.
- 05.02.2016. Search and Rescue at sea, Schengen report on Greece, London conference on Syria. Hungary and Slovakia request the Court of Justice of the European Union to annul the relocation decision. Rescuing people in distress at sea is a duty placed on everyone. EU Commission adopts: Greece ‘seriously neglected’ Schengen border controls. Europol estimates 10,000 underage refugee children have gone missing. Balkan Governments Streamlining Border Controls. Syrian donor conference raises over $10bn – still $3bn short of urgent needs. Human Rights Watch.: World Report 2016. European ‘Politics of fear’ has led to rollback of rights. MPI Europe: Getting the balance right: strengthening asylum reception capacity at national and EU levels.
- 29.01.2016. Dutch plan to return asylum seekers from Greece to Turkey violates international law. Statement ECRE staff and Board express gratitude to Michael Diedring. Concerns over forced deportation of asylum seekers from Norway to Russia. UK ordered to admit four Syrian asylum seekers from ‘the Jungle’ in Calais. Europe’s race to the bottom: Denmark turns its back to refugees. Germany to accelerate deportation of Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian asylum seekers. UK Home Office fails Eritrean asylum seekers using flawed Country of Origin Information. Afghanistan: Rise in abductions and unpredictable violence – EASO report.
- 22.01.2016. ECRE statement on Cologne and its aftermath. Asylum seekers in the UK face destitution, hunger and poor health. The Idomeni border camp finally reopened. MSF report denounces shameful EU response to humanitarian crisis at EU borders. Asylum seekers in Bulgaria subject to violence, abuse and push-backs. Women refugees face violence and abuse on their journey through Europe. Syrian refugees often trafficked – not able to meet their basic needs. Safe, legal and dignified access to asylum is possible: the Brazilian example.
- 15.01.2016. Central European NGOs call for an adequate and coordinated response to the refugee crisis. Sweden: Proposed reforms are a draconian response to increase in refugees. Turkey: less reception, more detention following EU-Turkey Action Plan. Unwelcome to Denmark: bill proposal backtracks on refugees rights. From bad to worse: Dunkirk refugee camp makes Calais pale in comparison. Turkey introduces new visa laws and proposes work permits for Syrians. Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon are living in dire poverty. Study shows the advantages of mixed classrooms for social cohesion in Lebanon. “Searching for Solidarity in EU Asylum and Border Policies” – 1st Odysseus Network Annual Conference.
- 08.01.2016. Navigating the Maze: ECRE publishes report following fact-finding visit to Austria. New AIDA Legal Briefing on Age Assessment
AIDA Update Italy: new rules on asylum procedures and reception and concerns over "hotspots". Sweden and Denmark introduce border checks. Malta’s new migration strategy ends automatic detention. Asylum reforms in Ireland will fail refugees. Western Balkan Brief: Refugees waiting day and night in snowy winter conditions. UK Government urged to do more to address refugee crisis. - 18.12.2015.
- 11.12.2015. Sharing our rights with refugees: ICMC Europe and ECRE launch end of the year campaign. AIDA Belgium update: asylum seekers access to international protection and reception remains a struggle. AIDA update Cyprus: new age assessment procedure raises concerns for unaccompanied minor. France AIDA update: a complete reform of the asylum system. AIDA update: Croatia substantially reforms asylum system and plans special facilities for vulnerable groups. European Commission infringement procedures against Hungary and others for failure to comply with European asylum law. Eurostat: 414,000 first time asylum seekers in the third quarter of 2015. Western Balkans: discriminations and violation of the right to asylum caused tensions, violence and a death. Security situation in Afghanistan calls into question deportation policies of EU Member States. Private sponsorships broaden safe and legal ways for refugees to find protection in Europe. Save the Children recruiting for a Senior Advocacy Advisor - Children on the Move. ULB offers 5 post-doctoral fellowships for refugees holding a Ph.D.
- 04.12.2015. AIDA update Hungary: new asylum legislation contravenes EU rules; Detention still a widespread practice in the UK, finds updated AIDA report. AIDA update: Poland introduces a State legal aid system. The EU-Turkey deal poses serious threats to refugees’ and migrants’ human rights; European Parliament calls for a complaints mechanism to improve Frontex’s human rights protection; Belgium restricts access to protection and leaves hundreds of asylum seekers without shelter. Asylum seekers stranded at Greek-FYROM border with limited assistance. Indefinite conscription in Eritrea has created a generation of refugees. Irish Refugee Council: Practical guide on providing early legal advice to people in the asylum process. ECRE interviews Chris Nash, Director of the European Network on Statelessness: ‘The impact of statelessness is profound and enduring’.
- 27.11.2015. AIDA update Greece: asylum system suffers from persisting deficiencies in procedures and reception conditions. AIDA update on Germany: Dublin reinstated for all, lower protection for applicants from “safe countries of origin”. AIDA update the Netherlands: the introduction of a formal border procedure does not remove systematic detention. ECRE is recruiting a new Secretary General. Tusk calls new Turkey summit to finalise migration deal. Western Balkans: refugees stranded at borders face discrimination with no access to asylum. Sweden tightens asylum rules. French authorities must improve humanitarian situation in Calais. European Court of Human Rights finds detention of Somali asylum seeker in Malta unlawful. Rights of the child outlined in Fundamental Rights Agency handbook
- 20.11.2015. In the wake of Paris attacks ECRE calls on Europe to recommit to its fundamental values. European Parliament study shows that Mediterranean Sea is the world’s most dangerous migratory route. Policies targeting human smuggling might result in higher risks for migrants and route changes. Refugees in Serbia report physical violence and abuses by the Bulgarian police. Italy: a worrying trend is developing in the ‘hotspots’. EU progress reports: Macedonia and Serbia fail to ensure access to asylum and refugees’ protection guarantees. Integration cannot be postponed: the longer the wait, the more difficult it becomes. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch highlight the failure of EU’s response to refugee crisis. Report warns of the effect of administrative detention on stateless persons in Malta. IRC calls for urgent humanitarian action in Europe. ‘No man is an island’: Contest for tickets to avant-premiere.
- 13.11.2015. Valletta Summit, JHA Council, AIDA updates on Ireland and Malta; AIDA update Ireland: proposed asylum reform fails to squarely address direct provision; Malta AIDA update: lower numbers of asylum seekers lead to decrease in the use of detention; Michael Diedring leaves ECRE to become Director of EPIM; Valletta Summit: EU and Africa commit to prevent irregular migration, but support legal mobility; EU ministers agree on measures to deter ‘non-cooperation’ of refugees and migrants; Western Balkans route: insufficient and inadequate transportation for refugees on the move. Risks of mixed migration in North East Africa explored in new paper. Syrian refugee children struggle to access education in Turkey; Report highlights concerns about the best interests of children in the UK asylum system.
- 06.11.2015. Language matters, update on Calais and Greece, UNHCR concerns about abuse of refugees in Europe. Language of fear undermines a much needed humanitarian response. ECRE: AIDA update on Bulgaria: as asylum applications increase, the system deteriorates. Court orders improvements to the human rights situation in Calais; Greece: so close to safety, so far from protection; Western Balkans: Temporary refugee centres remain inadequate, despite improvements; ECtHR condemns conditions of detention at Tychero border post in Greece; Concerns over abuse of women and children on the move in Europe; UNHCR urges States to stop returning asylum seekers and migrants to Libya. Amnesty International denounces Australia’s involvement in smuggling of asylum seekers.
- 30.10.2015. ‘Crossing boundaries’: ECRE mission to Hungary finds worrying barriers to accessing asylum; ELENA publishes Information Note on Dublin Transfers post-Tarakhel. AIDA Legal Briefing raises concerns over refugee status determination procedures and appeals carried out in detention. EU and Balkan leaders agree on 17 point plan to avoid a “humanitarian tragedy” along the Western Balkans route. EU cooperation with third countries fails to ensure protection to refugees and legal migration opportunities. Hotspot’ opens in Lesvos, but reports of conditions on the island remain worrying; NGOs take French authorities to court and demand urgent emergency measures in Calais
Western Balkan Brief 16-23 October: Summary. UN Human Rights Chief condemns inhuman treatment of refugees and migrants in detention centres in Czech Republic. Italy must improve reception and protection for asylum seekers, particularly for children. EU Fundamental Rights Agency: fingerprinting must not violate fundamental rights of asylum seekers. ECRE interview with Halleh Ghorashi, Professor of Integration and Diversity at VU University Amsterdam: refugees’ integration should start from the very beginning of a stay in a new country. - 23.10.2015. ECRE members call for safe and legal channels to the EU for refugees. ELENA Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary. ECRE argues against a common EU list of ‘safe countries of origin. AIDA Update: New rules in Switzerland on detention and unaccompanied children. Western Balkans: Insufficient protection for unaccompanied children as winter approaches. Killing of 19 year old Afghan at Bulgarian-Turkish border demonstrates focus on border control instead of protecting refugees. ECtHR rules against expulsion of asylum seekers from Russia to Syria. SHARE Conference: UN, local authorities and civil society jointly respond to crisis. ECRE interviews Volker Türk: We should not forget history when addressing current challenges.
- 09.10.2015. Calais: Time to tackle a migratory dead-end, by Pierre Henry, General Director of France terre d’asile; EU Ministers call for more effective deportations; Angela Merkel and François Hollande address the European Parliament. The EU supports Turkey to integrate refugees and control further arrivals. Refugees in the Western Balkans: latest reports; A highly dysfunctional asylum system in Samos, Greece; Amnesty International calls on the EU to formally warn Hungary over refugee crisis violations; Conditions in Russian foreign national detention centres ‘inhuman’.
- 02.10.2015. ECRE Annual General Conference and UNHCR NGOs Consultations 2015. After Dublin - the urgent need for a real European asylum system. EU starts the ‘active phase’ of a critical operation against human smugglers. EU Commission calls on Greece to return to the Dublin system within six months. “Hotspots”: the Italian example - conversation with Christopher Hein from CIR. Refugees cross the Western Balkans with no rights. Germany: measures to toughen asylum laws approved by government. Nils Muižnieks welcomes German efforts but is concerned at surge in racial attacks.
- 25.09.2015. AIDA Legal Briefing on safe countries of origin. Conference on 5 years of EASO and the CEAS. EU Council agrees on relocation of thousands of asylum seekers. European Commission adopts 40 infringement decisions to make European Asylum System work. No access to protection for asylum seekers on the Western Balkans route. ECtHR ruling: Hungary unfairly held refugees in lengthy detention. HRW: asylum seekers beaten, abused and detained in degrading conditions in Macedonia. No child should be stateless, says new ENS report. European citizens show solidarity with refugees. SHARE Network Conference ‘Protecting and Welcoming Refugees in Europe: responding to an unprecedented refugee crisis’.
- 18.09.2015. Council conclusions, update on asylum in Hungary, Greece and Western Balkans & ECRE’s new Chair. OP-ED. Refugees being treated like criminals, Op-ed by Martin Rozumek, Executive Director of Organisation for Aid to Refugees. Morten Kjaerum new ECRE Board Chair. As numbers of refugee arriving in Europe escalate, the JHA fails to inspire a humane EU response. Over 210,000 people applied for asylum in the EU in the second quarter of 2015. Refugee crisis: Hungary in general crisis. Greece: the gate to Europe?: Refugees’ fundamental rights seriously violated on the Western Balkans route. UNHCR: UN Refugee Chief Guterres: EU must act now or become irrelevant in international affairs. ICRT Call for submissions.
- 11.09.2015. ECRE to JHA Council: All EU Member States must show solidarity and act immediately. Common asylum system at a turning point: Refugees caught in Europe’s solidarity crisis: Refugees in the Western Balkans are in urgent need of further assistance and protection; Juncker calls for bold, determined and concerted EU response to refugee crisis. #WeApologise: CSO Open Letter to People Flfeeing War, Persecution and Poverty. #EuropeSaysWelcome: Day of Action in solidarity with Refugees Saturday 12 September.
- 04.09.2015. Greek refugee crisis: ECRE calls for solidarity; AIDA Annual Report Launch. Solidarity initiatives in Western Balkans but lack of a sustainable response. Humanitarian crisis caused by delays at Belgian Immigration Office. Strasbourg Court rules that Italy violated human rights of migrants in Lampedusa. Earlier treatment of migrants would cut spending on healthcare, new FRA report finds. EASO publish country overview report on Pakistan. European Network on Statelessness is recruiting a Communications Manager and an Operations Manager
- 17.07.2015. Crisis de asilo en las islas griegas, duras condiciones de detención en Libia, la reunificación familiar en el Reino Unido
- 10.07.2015. Hungría limita el acceso al asilo, TEDH en Bélgica, Amnistía Internacional sobre violaciónes de derechos humanos en los Balcanes occidentales
- 03.07.2015. Conclusiones del Consejo, el ACNUR sobre la situación en el Mediterráneo, AIDA conferencia jurídica sobre la detención
- 26.06.2015. EUNAVFOR Med, Cumbre de la UE, las preocupaciones de ECRE sobre directrices de huellas dactilares de la Comisión de la UE
- 19.06.2015. Sirios en la Exposición de Tránsito, ACNUR Tendencias Mundiales del 2014, el asilo en el Reino Unido, Austria, Alemania y Turquía.
- 12.06.2015. Naciones Unidas sobre el impacto de las leyes de la UE sobre los derechos de los migrantes, TJUE sobre los requisitos de integración, Eritrea: ONU advierte de posibles crímenes contra la humanidad
- 05.06.2015. TEDH en los retornos a Irak, sistema de reinstalación de la Comisión Europea, la EASO sobre el sistema de asilo de Hungría
- 29.05.2015. El plan de la Comisión Europea de trasladar los solicitantes de asilo en toda Europa, la nota de orientación del ECRE en AMIF, Informe Anual de JRS.
- 22.05.2015. Preocupación general por los planes de operaciones militares de la UE en el Mediterráneo y AIDA actualización en Suecia y Croacia.
- 15.05.2015. Programa de Migración Nuevo Europea, Asilo en Grecia, Amnistía Internacional sobre los migrantes y refugiados en Libia.
- 20.03.2015.
- 13.03.2015.
- 06.03.2015.
- 27.02.2015.
- 20.02.2015.
- 13.02.2015.
- 06.02.2015.
- 30.01.2015.
- 23.01.2015.
- 16.01,2015.
- 09.01.2015. CJEU: Returns Directive bans removal of seriously ill people to places where treatment is not provided (Abdida).
- 26.09,2014.
- 19.09,2014.
- 12.09,2014.
- 11.07,2014.
- 04.07,2014.
- 27.06,2014.
- 20.06,2014.
- 13.06,2014.
- 06.06,2014.
- 30.05.2014.
- 23.05,2014.
- 16.05,2014.
- 09.05,2014.
- 01.05,2014.
- 15.11,2013.
- 08.11,2013. Un día para celebrar – ya no se podrá decir a los refugiados gays y lesbianas “Volved a casa y escondeos”. Por Neil Gungras, Director Ejecutivo de ORAM. Esperanza y críticas tras la sentencia del TJUE sobre las reivindicaciones de los solicitantes de asilo LGTBI. Consejo de Europa, Los países de los Balcanes occidentales, presionados para que restrinjan el derecho de sus ciudadanos a salir del país. Informes: Pro Asyl acusa a Grecia de rechazar sistemáticamente a los refugiados en la frontera greco-turca.· Las sociedades de la Cruz Roja piden vías seguras y legales de acceso al territorio de la UE. Entrevista de Ecre con Hesham Issa, Director de AMERA-Egipto – “En Egipto se obliga a los sirios detenidos a firmar declaraciones en las que indican que están dispuestos a abandonar el país voluntariamente y pagar sus propios billetes de regreso a Siria”.
- 31.10.2013. Noticias Europeas: Bulgaria, acusada de poner en peligro a los solicitantes de asilo al facilitar información sobre sirios a la embajada siria. ACNUR. Publica unas orientaciones para los Estados que reciben a solicitantes de asilo de Siria; Acnur rechaza los regresos forzosos de personas que huyen de la violencia en el norte de Nigeria. Informes: Amnistía Internacional: cientos de personas que intentan escapar del conflicto de Siria, rechazados en la frontera jordana; Refugiados sistemáticamente rechazados en la frontera grecoturca – Informe de Pro Asyl. Un informe de EASO muestra un aumento en las solicitudes de asilo de chechenos en el segundo trimestre de 2013. Manual de Formación de la Cruz Roja Austríaca/ACCORD ‘Investigación de la Información sobre el país de origen’
- 25.10.2013. Los Jefes de Estado de la UE y el Parlamento Europeo discuten sobre migración y asilo tras la tragedia de Lampedusa. Aprobado el Reglamento para un sistema europeo de vigilancia fronteriza (Eurosur). Un millón de víctimas del tráfico de personas son utilizadas como trabajadores esclavos en toda Europa.
- 18.10.2013.
- 04.10.2013. Muertes en el mar frente a la costa italiana:se piden vías seguras de llegada a Europa para los refugiados. El programa de trabajo de EASO para 2014 se centrará en el apoyo a los Estados miembros en la aplicación del nuevo paquete del asilo. Consejo de Europa: Rusia, condenada por no proteger a los solicitantes de asilo frente a los secuestros y traslados irregulares a países donde existe un peligro real de que sufran tortura y malos tratos. ACNUR condena como ilegal y arbitraria la detención sistemática de solicitantes de asilo por Malta. Hace falta más apoyo internacional a Siria, pero no a costa de otras crisis, advierte Guterres, Alto Comisario de CNUR. Informes, Actos y acciones de las ONG. Se han abierto las inscripciones para el Curso Avanzado de ELENA: Dublín, 6-8 de diciembre· Nueva red para proteger los derechos humanos de los refugiados subsaharianos y migrantes en Marruecos
- 27.09.2013. Suiza suspende los regresos forzosos a Sri Lanka debido a informes de torturas y detenciones de los retornados. ACNUR:· El empleo es la principal preocupación de los refugiados en su camino hacia la integración en los países europeos. El Comité Búlgaro de Helsinki exige la dimisión de la Agencia Estatal para Refugiados por el trato dado a los sirios. CEAR: Las víctimas sexuales del tráfico de seres humanos tendrían que tener derecho al asilo en España. Los europeos sobrestiman el numero de inmigrantes que residen en sus países. Convocatoria de la Universidad de Monash para presentaciones a una Conferencia sobre el Acceso al Asilo. Forum refugies-Cosi is recruiting an Advocacy Manager.
- 20.09.2013. Los países en las fronteras externas de la UE están fallando a los refugiados sirios. Italia y Bulgaria empiezan a tomar medidas para dar respuesta a sus necesidades. ACNUR: Grecia continúa deteniendo sistemáticamente a los solicitantes de asilo y sigue mostrándose incapaz de dar respuesta a las necesidades de los solicitantes de asilo y refugiados. IMC publica una guía actualizada para el reasentamiento ‘Bienvenido a Europa. Desamparo de los menores víctimas del tráfico en Inglaterra. Entrevista de Ecre: Con Jerome Phelps, Director de Detention Action, “El riesgo de abusos es inherente a la detención”.
- 13.09.2013.
- 06.09.2013. La carrera de obstáculos en la UE lleva a un tratamiento injusto de los solicitantes de asilo. Amnistía Internacional y la ICJ advierten de que las reglas para las operaciones marítimas de Frontex no deberían legitimar los rechazos (push-backs). Noticias nacionales: Suecia interviene a favor de los sirios al conceder la residencia permanente a los refugiados que huyen del conflicto. TEDH: El traslado de una familia chechena de Suecia a Rusia les expondría a un peligro real de malos tratos. La situación de derechos humanos en Mogadiscio no impide la deportación de solicitantes de asilo. Entrevista de Ecre: con Muginareza, refugiada congoleña refugiado en Sheffield.
- 12.07.2013. Colin Yeo, "Refugio para Snowden". TEDH bloquea la devolución de migrantes somalíes de Malta a Libia tras la indignación de la sociedad civil· La investigación sobre la muerte de Jimmy Mubenga en un vuelo de deportación desde el Reino Unido da como resultado un veredicto de homicidio. Amnistía Internacional: migrantes y refugiados que intentan llegar a la UE, rechazados en la frontera entre Grecia y Turquía. Informe de EASO sobre la situación del asilo en la UE en 2012· El proyecto Know Reset muestra las prácticas divergentes de reasentamiento y marco jurídico en Europa· La administración forzosa de tranquilizantes en los vuelos de deportación de Suiza, criticados por el Comité Nacional contra la Tortura. Entrevista de Ecre con Ashraf Hasno, Secretario General de la Asociación Siria en Grecia: “Grecia ha bloqueado todos los caminos por las montañas y el río, así que la gente no tiene más remedio que intentar llegar por el mar”.
- 05.07.2013. Una nueva página web muestra los procedimientos de asilo, las condiciones de recepción y detención en Europa· Ya está abierta la inscripción para la Conferencia Anual de ECRE. Últimas noticias sobre la represión en Rusia de las ONG· El Reino Unido cobrará a los migrantes por el uso de los servicios primarios de salud y exigirá que los arrendadores privados verifiquen el estatus migratorio de los inquilinos. Consejo de Europa preocupado por las malas condiciones y el uso de la fuerza contra migrantes y solicitantes de asilo detenidos en Malta. Informes: Amnistía Internacional: Secuestros, desapariciones y regreso de la tortura en la antigua Unión Soviética. Cierra el campo de Refugiados de Choucha, en Túnez: sigue sin resolver la situación de cientos de residentes.
- 28.06.2013. La Comisión Europa insta a los Estados miembros a que faciliten a los sirios el acceso a Europa. Tribunal de Apelación del Reino Unido: Los niños objeto del tráfico son víctimas del crimen, no criminales. JRS: La Comisión de la UE tiene que dar apoyo inmediato a Croacia para permitirle aplicar correctamente el acervo de asilo de la UE. Sería compatible la devolución de niños a Afganistán según la Plataforma Europea de Retorno para Menores No Acompañados (ERPUM) con el interés del niño?. El acuerdo de readmisión UE-Turquía conlleva riesgos para los derechos humanos de los solicitantes de asilo.
- 21.06.2013. La Comisión publica el Informe Anual de 2012 sobre Inmigración y Asilo. ACNUR: 2012 es el año en que más personas tuvieron que huir de sus países desde hace 18 años. CEAR: España registra las cifras más bajas de solicitantes de asilo de su historia.
- 14.06.2013. EU adopts ‘Asylum Package’: All eyes turned on implementation. ECtHR-FRA handbook provides practical guidance on European asylum, borders and immigration law.
- 07.06.2013. El Consejo JAI aprueba las Directivas refundidas sobre Procedimientos de Asilo y sobre Condiciones de Recepción y el Reglamento de Dublín. La EASO prestará apoyo a Italia. TEDH: Austria, condenada por no proporcionar suficientes posibilidades de recurso contra los traslados según Dublín. TJUE: Los mena en la UE no pueden ser enviados a otro EM según el sistema de Dublín. Procedimiento de Dublín: la detención limita el acceso de los solicitantes de asilo a la información, a la asistencia jurídica y a un recurso eficaz. Campaña de AI END FGM (acabar con la mutilación sexual femenina) y ACNUR: Qué puede hacer Europa para acabar con la mutilación sexual femenina?.· Bruselas, 10 de julio: reasentamiento de refugiados en la UE – hacia un compromiso concertado y sostenible
- 31.05.2013. La Directiva de retornos no se aplica a las personas que solicitan asilo durante su detención. Protección interrumpida: Protección interrumpida: El impacto del reglamento de Dublín sobre la protección de los solicitantes de asilo. La Comisión Europea promueve medidas para maximizar el impacto positivo de la migración sobre el desarrollo; Informe Anual de Amnistía Internacional.
- 24.05.2013. La Comisión Europea promueve medidas para maximizar el impacto positivo de la migración sobre el desarrollo; Informe Anual de Amnistía Internacional.
- 17.05.2013.
- 26.04.2013.
- 19.04.2013. Propuesta de reglamento sobre las reglas para la vigilancia de las fronteras. Traite des êtres humains: le nombre de victimes augmente dans l’UE, mais les États membres tardent à agir. STEDH 18.04.2013. Francia no podrá devolver a un solicitante de asilo a Chad.
- 12.04.2013. SIS II centralizará los datos de las personas no autorizadas a entrar en el espacio Schengen. El TEDH establece que la deportación de un intérprete del Ejército de Estados Unidos a Afganistán no equivaldría a tortura ni trato inhumano.
- 05.04.2013.
- 29.03.2013. Fundamental rights at Europe’s southern sea borders; Violencia, vulnerabilidad y migración: atrapados a las puertas de Europa.
- 22.03.2013.
- 15.03.2013.
- 08.03.2013.
- 01.03.2013.
- 22.02.2013.
- 15.02.2013.
- 08.02.2013.
- 01.02.2013.
- 25.01.2013.
- 18.01.2013.
- 11.01.2013.
- 14.12.2012.
- 07.12.2012.
- 30.11.2012.
- 23.11.2012.
- 16.11.2012.
- 09.11.2012.
- 02.11.2012.
- 26.10.2012.
- 12.10.2012.
- 05.10.2012.
- 28.09.2012. STEDH condena a Grecia detención de solicitante de asilo; STJUE interpreta Dublín.
- 21.09.2012.
- 14.09.2012.
- 07.09.2012.
- 29.06.2012
- 22.06.2012.
- 15.06.2012.
- 08.06.2012.
- 01.06.2012.
- 25.05.2012.
- 11.05.2012.
- 04.05.2012.
- 27.04.2012.
- 20.04.2012.
- 06.04.2012.
- 30.03.2012.
- 23.03.2012.
- 16.03.2012.
- 09.03.2012.
- 02.03.2012.
- 24.02.2012.
- 17.02.2012.
- 10.02.2012.
- 03.02.2012.
- 27.01.2012.
- 20.01.2012.
- 13.01.2012.
- 06.01.2012.
- 22.12.2011.
- 16.12.2011.
- 09.12.2011.
- 02.12.2011.
- 25.11.2011.
- 18.11.2011.
- 04.11.2011.
- 28.10.2011.
- 21.10.2011.
- 07.10.2011.
- 30.09.2011.
- 23.09.2011.
- 16.09.2011.
- 09.09.2011.
- 02.09.2011.
- 29.07.2011.
- 15.07.2011.
- 08.07.2011.
- 01.07.2011.
- 24.06.2011.
- 17.06.2011.
- 10.06.2011.
- 27.05.2011.
- 20.05.2011.
- 13.05.2011.
- 06.05.2011.
Informes posteriores:
Más publicaciones del ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles):
Más datos sobre bibliografia (monografias y artículos):