Cost of exclusion from healthcare – The case of migrants in an irregular situation.
FRA.: Cost of exclusion from healthcare – The case of migrants in an irregular situation.
- This report aims to estimate the economic cost of providing timely access to screening and treatment for migrants in an irregular situation, compared with providing treatment only in emergency cases. It presents an economic model to calculate such costs for two medical conditions: hypertension and prenatal care. To better illustrate its application in practice, the model is applied to three European Union (EU) Member States – Germany, Greece and Sweden (Texto completo) (Sumario).
Otras publicaciones del FRA:
- Severe labour exploitation: workers moving within or into the European Union. States’ obligations and victims’ rights.
- Detention of third-country nationals in return procedures.
- Inmigrantes en situación irregular: acceso a la salud en 10 estados de la Unión Europea.
- Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport: the situation in the European Union.
- Separated, asylum-seeking children in EU Member States.
- Developing indicators for the protection, respect and promotion of the rights of the child i11n the EU.
- Fundamental Rights at Europe’s southern sea borders.
- Guardianship for children deprived of parental care.
- EU Fundamental Rights Agency presents new study on conditions faced by irregular migrants employed as domestic workers.
- Fundamental rights of migrants in an irregular situation in the European Union.
- Handbook on the establishment and accreditation of National Human Rights Institutions in the European Union.
- Les droits fondamentaux: défis et réussites en 2012.
- Handbook on European data protection law.
- Manual de Derecho europeo sobre asilo, fronteras e inmigración.
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