- 26/12/2024
- 26/12/2024
- 25/12/2024
- 25/12/2024
Practices and Approaches in EU Member States to Prevent and End Statelessness
Gerard-René De Groot
LIBE Committee
Gerard-René DE GROOT, Katja SWIDER and Olivier VONK, Practices and Approaches in EU Member States to Prevent and End Statelessness.
- This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee. It describes the practices and approaches in all EU Member States as regards the prevention and eradication of statelessness. For that purpose the different national practices are assessed in light of the relevant international and European standards. Since proper mechanisms to identify stateless populations are lacking in a majority of Member States, the study addresses the procedures used in determining statelessness and analyses the role of the EU in preventing and reducing statelessness.
- This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee. It describes the practices and approaches in all EU Member States as regards the prevention and eradication of statelessness. For that purpose the different national practices are assessed in light of the relevant international and European standards. Since proper mechanisms to identify stateless populations are lacking in a majority of Member States, the study addresses the procedures used in determining statelessness and analyses the role of the EU in preventing and reducing statelessness (Texto completo).
Otras Publicaciones relacionadas
- René G. De Groot, Survey on Rules on Loss of Nationality in International Treaties and Case Law.
- Sergio Carrera.: How much does EU citizenship cost?
- René de Groot and Maarten Peter Vink, Best Practices in Involuntary Loss of Nationality in the EU.
- Sergio Carrera and René de Groot, European Citizenship at the Crossroads. Enhancing European Cooperation on Acquisition and Loss of Nationality.
- René de Groot and Patrick Wautelet, How to deal with quasi-loss of nationality situations?
- Maarten Peter Vink and Ngo Chun Luk, Statistics on Loss of Nationality in the EU.
Seminarios celebrados:
- Who Owns EU Citizenship? Loss and Acquisition of Citizenship and the Role of the EU.
- EU Citizenship at the Crossroads. Enhancing European Cooperation in Nationality and Fundamental Rights.
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