Maastricht journal of European and comparative law.
Maastricht journal of European and comparative law. Inicio: 1994. Periodicidad: Trimestral. País: Bélgica. Idioma: francés.
- 2017. vol. 24-2. Destacado: Stephan Rammeloo.: "From Rome to Rome’ – Cross-border employment contract. European Private International Law: Intertemporal law and foreign overriding mandatory laws. Case C-135/15 Greek Republic v. Grigorios Nikiforidis, EU:C:2016:774".
- 2017. vol. 24-1. Destacado: Kathrin Hamenstädt.: "The impact of the duration of lawful residence on the rights of European Union citizens and their third-country family members"
- 2016. vol.23-5. Destacado: Sergio Carrera.: "The ECtHR’s Judgment in Biao v. Denmark: Non-Discrimination Among Nationals and Family Reunification as Converging European Standards : ECtHR, Biao v. Denmark, Judgment of 24 May 2016, Application No. 38590/10".
- 2014. vol. 21-3. Destacado: Sergio Carrera.: "The Price of EU Citizenship: The Maltese Citizenship-for-Sale Affair and the Principle of Sincere Cooperatoin in Nationality Matters".
- All Issues.
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