Using EU Indicators of Immigrant Integration.
Migration Policy Group. European Comission
Using EU Indicators of Immigrant Integration (Texto completo).
Algunos datos:
- This project was carried out between January 2012 and April 2013 by the European Services Network (ESN) and the Migration Policy Group (MPG) on behalf of the European Commission. ESN was responsible for the overall management of the project and the organisation of seminars held in Berlin, Budapest and Lisbon. MPG was responsible for the research and for engaging policy-makers and practitioners. An ad hoc research team was created with as members: Jan Niessen, (Director), Thomas Huddleston (Coordinator) and Jasper Dag Tjaden (Researcher) and Professors, Pierre Desmarez, Dirk Jacobs, Síle Padraigin O’Dorchai and Andrea Rea of the Free University of Brussels (for quantitative analysis) and Albert Kraler and David Reichel of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (for the assessment of data sources).