Third Report on the Post-Visa Liberalisation Monitoring for the Western Balkan Countries.
Tipo de Legislación:
Derecho Comunitario
Tipo de Acto:
Third Report on the Post-Visa Liberalisation Monitoring for the Western Balkan Countries in accordance with the Commission Statement of 8 November 2010.
As outlined in the first and the second CSWPs of 2011, referred above, some EU Member States have experienced seasonal waves of increasing number of asylum seekers following the decisions taken at the end of 2009 and 2010 to grant visa-free travel to the Western Balkan countries.
Normativa analizada:
- Reglamento (CE) núm. 539/2001.
- Los acuerdos de liberalización de visados con los siguientes países: Rusia, Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (2009) y Albania y Bosnia Herzegovina (2010).
- Texto completo.
Información relacionada:
- Next steps for the European Migration Network.
- Análisis del flujo migratorio irregular derivado de los Balcanes.
Algunos de los trabajos realizados:
- Report on Immigration and Asylum
- conomic migration (IP/11/911)
- Family reunification: resultados sobre la consulta (SPEECH/12/408).