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Acuerdo de Cooperación entre la UE y Albania para la gestión de las Fronteras.
Tipo de Legislación:
Derecho Comunitario
Tipo de Acto:
Tratados multilaterales
Acuerdo de Cooperación entre la UE y Albania para la gestión de las Fronteras.
- On 5 October 2018, the European Union signed an agreement with Albania on cooperation on border management between Albania and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). The agreement was signed on behalf of the EU by Herbert Kickl, Minister of the Interior of Austria and President of the Council, and Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, and on behalf of Albania Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj.
- This agreement allows the European Border and Coast Guard Agency to coordinate operational cooperation between EU member states and Albania on the management of the EU’s external borders. The European Border and Coast Guard will be able to take action at the external border involving one or more neighbouring member states and Albania. This can include intervention on Albanian territory, subject to Albania’s agreement.
- The activities included by the agreement are aimed at tackling illegal migration, in particular sudden changes in migratory flows, and cross-border crime, and can involve the provision of increased technical and operational assistance at the border. For each operation, a plan has to be agreed between the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and Albania.
- Status Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Albania on actions carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in the Republic of Albania.
Next Steps
- The draft decision on the conclusion of the agreement has been sent to the European Parliament, which will be invited to give its consent in order for the agreement to be concluded.
Fuente: Conseil de l’
Normativa vinculada:
- Decisión 2018/1031. Firma Acuerdo la UE y Albania sobre sobre el Estatuto entre la UE y Albania en lo que respecta a las acciones llevadas a cabo por la Agencia Europea de la Guardia de Fronteras y Costas en Allbania.
Información sobre las relaciones entre Albania-España:
- Declaración de aceptación por España de la adhesión de la República de Albania al Convenio sobre la obtención de pruebas en el extranjero en materia civil o mercantil.
- Convenio con Albania para evitar la doble imposición en materia de Impuestos sobre la Renta y sobre el Patrimonio.
- Acuerdo con Albania sobre el libre ejercicio de actividades remuneradas para familiares dependientes del personal diplomático, consular, administrativo y técnico de Misiones Diplomáticas y Oficinas Consulares.
- Convenio entre el Reino de España y la República de Albania sobre cooperación en materia de lucha contra la delincuencia
Información sobre las relaciones entre Albania-UE: