Los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea garantizaron protección a 78.800 solicitantes de asilo en 2009.
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Los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea garantizaron protección a 78.800 solicitantes de asilo en 2009.
Nota de prensa de EUROSTAT de 18.06.2010.
Asylum decisions in the EU27
EU Member States granted protection to 78 800 asylum seekers in 2009
The EU27 Member States granted protection to 78 800 asylum seekers in 2009 compared with 75 100 in 2008. The largest groups of beneficiaries of protection status1 in the EU27 were citizens of Somalia (13 400 persons or 17% of the total number of persons granted protection status), Iraq (13 100 or 17%) and Afghanistan (7 100 or 9%).
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Nota de prensa (177 KB)